Zoho Analytics
Product Rating (Capterra)

Gain insights into your data and improve decision-making. With its intuitive interface, easy data visualization, and customizable dashboards, Zoho Analytics can help you track and analyze your fundraising efforts, measure impact, and optimize operations.
Solutions for Non-Profits:
Track and analyze donor behavior, such as giving patterns, donation amounts, and donor demographics. This can help you tailor your fundraising efforts and identify potential new donors.
Track and evaluate the success of your programs, such as the number of people served, the effectiveness of the program, and the cost per beneficiary. Make data-driven decisions about program design and implementation.
Track and analyze financial data, such as revenue, expenses, and fundraising performance. Identify areas for cost savings, monitor financial health, and make data-driven decisions about budgeting and fundraising.
Measure the impact of your programs and services, such as changes in behavior, health outcomes, or economic mobility. This can help you communicate the value of your work to donors, stakeholders, and funders.
Modules & Features
Data Integration
Visual Analysis
Embedded BI
Unified Business Insights
Augmented Analytics
Data Storytelling
Data Preparation & Management
Collaborative Management